Hello darling Flow friends,

It is with a full heart, I take the time to reflect on the magic of this beautiful Flow community, 7 years ago I became part of the Flow family, and it has been an honour watching this business grow into something so inspiring, and I count my lucky stars that our worlds collided.

We are social beings and require connection to learn the ways of the world, it is in our essential nature to seek out the security, love, acceptance and belonging found only in community.

Here at Flow we feel endlessly grateful to have fostered this inclusive, spirit driven collective community, and are forever thankful you have welcomed us into your hearts and wardrobes with such kindness.

We feel so privileged when we connect in person or virtually, and especially adore those big love filled hugs, and uplifting conversations.

Community love
Stronger ​​together

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

Robert Brault

Cultivating gratitude

The last few years have been so challenging for everyone, we have so much compassion in our hearts for anyone that suffered through isolation and anxiety, my hope is that there were beautiful moments of humanity that shone through even the darkest days. 

If we can reflect on the things we are truly grateful for, like our families love and support, our friendships that are so special they feel like family, and our innate ability to support ourselves, this is the fabric of our life, let us be so thankful and appreciative for these blessings.

Ever heard of a Gratitude jar???

This is an elegant life hack for when your grateful vibe needs a reboot.

Find a beautiful jar, decorate it if you feel so inclined. There are so many reasons everyday to feel thankful, a smile from a stranger, a good deed done, a bonus at work for your efforts, a shoulder to lean on when things have challenged you.

Write these moments down and pop them in the jar, then when you need a lift, take one out and relive your moment of sincere gratefulness.

The power of community

The power of community cant be over stated, we experience so many positives when we find our your sense of home amongst like minded souls, you may have found your tribe in a yoga studio or gym, maybe its the connection you find with the people from your local coffee shop, dog park or local farmers market, church or school. Celebrate and invest your energy in those connections.

Perhaps it is an online community that makes you feel seen and heard,  where you feel a sincere sense of acceptance and joy.

Within community it provides us with unique opportunities to learn and grow, and also the beauty of lifting up and supporting others.

With community participation comes a true empowerment, and when people feel empowered, they feel a sense of personal strength, this is where real positive change can occur

When we are among likeminded souls we are more creative and we can share our collective knowledge, insight and connections.

When our community believes in us we believe in ourselves, and that connection is often the little push we need to chase our dreams, and become accountable for living an inspired life.

We can be our most passionate self when we know that others share the same beliefs, which helps us to be more confident, giving  us the encouragement we need to try new things, and the magic of sharing the fruits of our actions.

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity...it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

Melody Beattie 

Stronger together
The power of community​​

We love you so much Flow community

We cant thank you enough for being the reason why do what we do, you are strong, beautiful and courageous women making a difference in the world, and we see you.

Much love and blessings till next we meet.

Hollie x

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